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Saturday, 24 May 2008

Top 10 Secrets to Avoiding “Marital Money Chaos©”

Money can wreck a relationship. In fact, how they spend, save, and account for money is one of the leading sources of disagreements between couples. In almost every study, money ranks as the first or second most argued-about topic for couples and partners.
If you currently suffer from “Marital Money Chaos©” you can follow these secrets and achieve more financial success together than you ever could have dreamed. If the two of you can improve your relationship with money, you will also improve your marriage. Money can be romantic!
Secret #1: Know your spending style and your partners’
How many of you are married to your “Financial Soul Mate”?
The most common spending styles are Spenders and Savers but there are also the Procrastinators/Avoiders/Deal with it Tomorrow types and the Money Meek/Humble/ personalities.
What are the benefits/good things about each style? What are the things you call your partner when you fight about money?
Find ways in which you can take advantage of your personality strengths and minimize the weaknesses of that style. In the best possible scenario, you will both acknowledge your differences and move to the middle.
Secret #2: Values Driven Spending
Values are different than goals.Values: Creativity, Freedom, Friendship, Financial SecurityGoals: Be debt free, get a new car, and give more to charity
Take some time to choose your top 5 values and define each of them in your own words. Share the definitions and use them to understand your partner and what is important to them. If your partner’s money behavior confuses you, ask which value they are satisfying. They may be doing their best, but their definition is different than yours. If you both use the same value word but have different meanings, you’ll have conflict.
Secret #3: Have regular Money Meetings or Money Dates!
How many of you think that money is romantic? Actually, since couples fight more about money than anything else (it is estimated that 80% of divorces are the result of money disagreements), having an honest talk about household finances might be better for your relationship than anything else you can do! Financial well-being and peace of mind are certainly romantic!
It doesn’t matter how much money people have, money is a daily event. That increases the chance of it triggering arguments and tension. Use regular meetings as a way to avoid conflict.
Secret #4: Enjoy the present and save for the future
Everyone needs to have their own play money. Ideally 5-10% of your family’s income should be set aside for play. What’s the use of working every day if you don’t get to spend some money on play?
Secret #5: Have a needs/wish list for each person and for the family
We all have things we wish we had and those we need to purchase. Check your list on a regular basis so your subconscious can focus on other things. It’s also great fun to check off the things you take care of. Great place to go to find out how to spend bonuses or other windfalls.
Secret #6: Divide financial responsibilities between partners
Focus on each person’s skills, interests and availability rather than relying on out-dated gender stereotypes or how much money one partner makes. Share what’s going on with your partner during your monthly meetings and make big decisions together.
Secret #7: Each person has some money they do not have to account for.
This is probably one of the MOST important things you can do for your relationship. No grown up likes to have to ask for an allowance or justify every little expenditure they make. Determine in advance how much money each person can “do with what they will” and no questions asked. Savers can save, spenders can spend, procrastinators can leave it in a jar and the money meek can feel free to give it all away.
Secret #8: Take action, one step at a time
I can guarantee that you will save $1000 1 year from today if you put away just $2.74 per day. Where can you find $2.74 each and every day? Do the same with larger goals. If you want to go on a $2000 vacation next year, save $6 per day.
Secret #9: Learn something about money and finances every day
There are lots of good resources out there – websites, books, magazines, classes. You can start at my website: where I have articles, calculators, book reviews and teleclass schedules.
Secret #10: Plan your spending and spend your plan
I know, no one likes the “B” word (I call them spending plans) because they feel restrictive. Instead, plan your spending ahead of time and give yourself permission to spend money in certain areas and get creative about the areas where you choose to spend less. When we feel like “going out” at our house, we have “no silverware dinner” of ribs, french-fries and artichokes. We spend the time enjoying ourselves and creating memories without spending a lot of money. I bet you can do the same!

A Good Book Cover Design is Key!

Marketing your Book cover, Spine and Information.
Whether you've written your book or are just starting out, having an eye catching cover is a must. Did you know that customers may be looking over your book for 10 seconds or less? A good book cover entices the customer to want to read more information and to result in a purchase. To accomplish this, you need to know what catches a customers eyes. A good place to start is your friends and family. Ones that you trust. Ask their opinions. If you're uncomfortable with asking your inner circle or would like your book's cover to be a surprise, look to the net. You can post your book's cover idea and receive feedback. Only post your idea on the net if you trust it won't be stolen. When deciding to create my book cover for Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids, I looked at many other ones in the children's field. I kept in mind which book covers attracted me and for the ones that didn't, why it didn't. Keep in mind that not everyone is going to agree with your taste.
The same applies to your back cover information about your book. If the book is fiction, you'll need to ensure the customer that their entertainment dollars are worth purchasing your book. If your book is non-fiction, show the customer the benefits of purchasing. Can it help solve a problem? Many customers want to know that they are buying something that in some form can benefit them. You'll also need to show how your book is better than then next one in it's category.
Don't forget the spine and price. If your book is spine out, it'll need to attract the customer's eyes. When they pull out your book, the price can turn a purchase away. Look at other books in the field and price accordingly. Much lower prices than your competition may appear to sell more but may give the idea that your work isn't as good.
Self publishing, Small Press or a Large Publishing company, either way your book is competing against others out there. Make it count!
Read more free reprintable articles on writing written by Ms. Laura Hickey in English, Italiano and Espanol. Read book reviews and interviews for her children's book, Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids.

Marriage Missing Its Spark?

If the fires of passion in your marriage have been reduced nearly to embers, then you are not alone. One of the most common problems that can damage a marriage is the loss of spark…or spice, or whatever you like to call it. It’s really not so easy to get yourself or your partner “in the mood” once you have become very familiar with each other. Of course, it’s wonderful to be familiar with your spouse because familiarity is the basis of intimacy. But intimacy is not the same as passion, is it? Routine is the culprit. If the proper countermeasures are not deployed against routine’s assault on your relationship, then it will drain all the passion right out of your marriage. Routine is a tenacious killer of passion…a suspect in the deaths of over 1 million steamy romances. I know routine comes in very handy for showers and oil changes, but it has no place in the bedroom. Fight it! Fight boredom and routine! It’s going to take a little effort to rekindle those flames, but armed with the right tactics you will succeed! Some of the ideas I will mention may seem rather basic, and most are simple and easy. Just try them. You have already begun to make more of an effort by reading this article; now don’t just think about how nice it would be to do some of these things with your spouse…the only way for this to happen is for you to take action!
Have you ever noticed how a change of venue can be very exciting? That’s right…just being together in a place that’s not your bedroom can have an almost magical effect. Use this strange phenomenon to your advantage. Get yourselves a nice hotel room on a Saturday night. First have dinner, and then go for a swim in the hotel pool. Be playful and flirty with your spouse. Don’t put any pressure on them; just be affectionate and playful throughout the evening together and let things happen naturally. A hand on their thigh, a whisper in their ear or a kiss on the neck are all great for reminding your partner what's waiting for them. Now, go up to your room and let the strange surroundings take effect.
Try reading your spouse an erotic bedtime story. Let it be spontaneous. Don’t let them know it’s a sexy story before you begin, maybe even disguise the book with a different cover. This can be an easy way to get your spouse to try something new. If they hear it in the story, then it might be their idea to try it. Most people of either sex find erotic stories to be very arousing.
Bring a video camera into the bedroom. Be careful, but have fun. Actually it’s the element of danger and the sense of voyeurism that makes this exciting.
Buy a sexy little costume to surprise your spouse with. Ladies, men always have and always will love the sexy French maid outfit. Men, never let your wives see you in a dingy pair of tighty-whities.
Write notes to your spouse. Hide a romantic message in a briefcase or handbag. In fact, it’s little romantic gestures that help lay the groundwork for romance building. Let your partner know that they excite you. They will be excited knowing that you’re excited. Send flowers for no special occasion, just to delight the love of your life.
The key is just making a small effort. Changing things up for excitement, and making little romantic gestures. When your spouse sees you making an effort to bring back the passion, they will begin to make an effort right along with you.

Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

"Getting Things Done" is a book that teaches you how to do just that: get things done. If you're like most people today, you're busy trying to juggle business, family and personal items all at once, and sometimes a ball (or two) gets dropped.
In this book, David Allen provides a complete system to help. The process itself, affectionately referred to as "GTD" by loyal followers, is one of the most useful I've personally found.
The problem is almost universal: Knowing what you want or have to do in life is one thing, but actually moving forward with it can be a huge challenge. This is especially true for all of us that have never-ending task lists and/or large, long-term projects on our plate. Looking at the mile long task or project list can be overwhelming -- and cause you to simply not do anything at all. In this book, David explains how to break projects, goals and tasks down into single item, doable, actions.
Now this is an extremely simplified explanation of the GTD process, but it is comprised of a few key items: The Project List, The Someday/Maybe List, and the Next Actions list. Integrated into these key items is: Inbox, Outbox and File Cabinet management.
While all of these components are integral and useful parts of the entire system, the Next Actions list is where the majority of your productivity takes place. In short, a Next Action is the very next thing you need to do in order to move something forward. So instead of looking at a project and wondering how you'll ever be able to handle it, you simply break off a very small chunk -- the very next thing that has to be done -- and focus on that chunk by itself. Once that chunk is completed, you then break off another -- the next thing that has to be done -- and so on.
I won't try to explain all of the intricacies -- David did that with over 250 pages in this book -- but I will tell you this: David's system is extremely useful and easy to learn.
You can start reaping the rewards of "Getting Things Done" before you've even finished the book. I've also found it very handy to keep on the reference shelf for further consultation as I'm refining and customizing my own enhanced productivity system.
I am a fan of practical, informative books with examples -- this one really fits the bill and I highly recommend it.

Six Tips for your Writing Journey

Tips for your writing journey
So, you'd like to be a writer? Congrats! Writing not only is a great way to express yourself, but can provide an income. Keep in mind not all writers make a fortune, some still cant quit their day job. Below are some tips to start your writing journey.
1.Start WritingOkay, so this tip is obvious. For some, it's a question of what to write about, for others how to write. Write how and what you want. What kind of books do you like to read? Fiction, Mystery, science fiction, how to books? How about articles, reports, maybe you're interested in journalism. Whatever the case may be, to get your creative juices flowing, start writing! Don't worry about how it sounds, grammar or other mistakes, you can go back to fix these.
2.Join online and offline groups/message boards and chatsIf you already know what you want to write about, consider joining writer groups at your local library, or online groups, along with message boards and chats. It's a great way to network with other writers and published authors. It's also a good place to share your work and receive feedback. Many places online are free to join, some require a membership which usually consist of a user name, e-mail address and password for your user name. Some request more information such as a name, address and sometimes phone number.
3.The LibraryYou've probably heard about some books that writers refer to, this could be writer markets, e-book publishing, self publishing and generally how to improve your writing. But what do you do when you can't afford to buy these books from your local bookstore or online? A trip to your library is the key. Many libraries carry writer resource books, which if you have a library card, are free. If you're living out of the area, the library may require a fee for membership. The book you're looking for may not always be at your local library, however libraries borrow from other libraries in and out of state. The method of receiving outside books is called Inter-Library Loan. Later on, if you find the book to be a great resource, you may be able to purchase a used copy online.
4.ResearchingThe Internet is also another good resource for information. Keep in mind that not every resource you find online is going to be an honest good resource. It will take time to sort out which websites are useful. Most information is free, so you can sit back and research in the comfort of your home. If you don't have a computer with Internet access, check your local library and see if you can use one of theirs.
5.WorkshopsWorkshops taught by experts is a great way to learn from the professionals, but only if you can afford it! Make sure the topic of the workshop is based around your interest. For instance, if you love wouldn't be a good idea to go to a workshop based only on non-fiction. It's a good idea to register early to ensure a spot at the event. Bring a new legal pad, plus a few writing tools to take notes.6.ContestsAfter writing a while, you may want to enter contests. Some require an entry fee. I suggest staying away from the entry fee contests until you've entered some other free ones. That way you can get a feel for how contests work. Spend some time writing and re-writing your entries. If you've written your entry in 5 or so minutes, the judges will notice it immediately. You wouldn't want a reputation for sloppy work.
There you are, 6 tips to get you started on your journey to writing. Good Luck!

10 Steps to Happily Ever After

Do you know what all happy and healthy marriages have in common? In every one of them you will find two people committed to making each other happy. You will find a man who cherishes his wife and puts her needs above his own, and you will find a wife who respects and trusts her man. We live in very selfish times. Pop-psychology messages are everywhere in the media encouraging us to love ourselves, do right by ourselves, and generally please ourselves first. If you really want a happy marriage, don’t buy into that type of self-centered thinking. Instead, try these 10 time-tested techniques and experience the happiness, peace, and tranquility of a healthy marriage.1. Make time for each other. It’s so easy in our hyper-busy modern lifestyles to forget to set aside a little time to enjoy each other’s company. Start a weekly tradition of setting a date for the two of you to be together doing something you both enjoy. Keep it simple. Take a nice walk together. Sip coffee together in a cozy coffeehouse. Talk to each other, reminisce, and get to know each other again.2. Take time off from each other. Give each other space and time to work on hobbies and personal interests. When you have an interesting project to work on, you will feel more fulfilled and you will be a more interesting person. 3. Make little romantic gestures. Remember to compliment your spouse. Leave a little love note for them to find once in awhile. Celebrate the day you first met.Send flowers for no particular reason. You should continuously make little deposits in your spouse’s emotional bank account. The return on your investment will be incredible.4. Fight fair. Don’t argue in front of other people. Don’t insult each other or each other’s families. Never threaten divorce, and never go to bed angry. Let the little things go, and don’t make a big deal out of every disagreement. Before arguing, think; is this really going to matter in the long run? 5. Take interest in what interests your spouse. Watch their favorite shows with them. Read their favorite book, so you can talk about it with them. Encourage them to develop their talents.6. Listen to your spouse. Husbands, remember that women need to express their feelings. Be a good sport and just listen. Don’t interrupt, or get distracted. Empathize with her. Let her know that you can relate to what she’s feeling. Ladies, please remember that the kind of talk you might like to have with your husband does not come naturally to most men. Just be patient. It’s not a good idea to "unload" on him right when he comes home from work.7. Accept your spouse for who they are. Practice total acceptance. Don’t hold your spouse to your expectations; you will only succeed at building resentment. 8. Express your commitment. In little ways, you can, and should, renew your vows to each other over and over. Your spouse will feel comfortable and secure knowing that you are truly committed to the marriage. True closeness will only happen when all doubt and insecurity is replaced by confidence in the relationship. Let your spouse know that you really are in it "till death do us part."9. Trust in each other. Don’t be suspicious. Don’t snoop through each other’s belongings. To help ensure the trust, be honest with your spouse in all things. Never keep secrets from each other, not even little ones. 10. Make it your aim to be your spouse’s best friend. Appreciate your spouse for who they are. Loosen up and have fun with each other. If you are practicing the steps above, you are on your way to being your spouse’s best friend the ultimate relationship in marriage.

Interview With an Up and Coming Musician

Today, Norm Goldman, Editor of and is delighted to have as our guest, Dan Goldman, Guitarist, Song Writer, Poet, Arranger and a musician of many other talents.
Dan is here to discuss his world of music and travels.
When did your passion for music begin? What keeps you going?
I can't quite remember when my passion began. It seems to have been an inborn appreciation. My earliest memories are of listening to old records and 8-track recordings that my parents had kicking around the house - anything from Kenny Rogers to Neil Diamond sparked my interest at the time. My father played piano, and I always loved listening to his romantic, albeit, slightly schmaltzy touch. I'd press my ear against the soundboard to get the most out of the vibrations.
Who were the musicians that influenced you?
There are too many to mention; but if I had to narrow it down, I'd say, in order of appearance: The Beatles, The Who, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, my uncle Issac, Classical guitar repertoire including Bach and most of the Spanish composers, Joni Mitchell, Jim Hall, Bill Frisell and on and on.I'm currently into Wilco, Joanna Newsom, Lisa Germano, to name a few.
When on tour, do you notice any differences in audiences from one city to the next, and if so, would you say that this may due to their geographical location. For example, how would you compare audiences in Vancouver to those in Toronto or Montreal insofar as your music is concerned?
Yes, I'd say the main difference lies in how saturated the market is. In Calgary, for instance, where there isn't as much traffic in terms of touring bands, I tend to get a warmer and more appreciative reception than in Toronto, where, although I play plenty of great gigs, the audiences are somewhat numbed by the sheer volume of musicians around. Then again, performances are always different and anything I think is the rule is always put into question as soon as I play an unexpectedly great gig in the least likely situation.
What challenges or obstacles do you encounter while traveling and performing? How did you overcome these challenges?
I get nervous a lot. I'm fine when I'm actually performing, but I generally get stressed a couple of hours before the show. It's really important for me to eat and rest appropriately so that the stress doesn't take a toll on my performances. I generally try to put aside a certain amount of time every day that I'm on tour to warming up or to my sitting (meditation) practice.
Which is your favorite city to perform in? Why?
I can't say that I have one. Anywhere where the people are receptive and supportive becomes the best city.
How do you get the inspiration for your song and music writing?
I love music. It's not hard to get inspired, what's hard is following through and staying consistent with my writing practice. I find that the only way to get to where I want to be expression-wise is to spend the time it takes; and you never know how long that's going to be, so you just keep going!
What was the first piece of music you ever wrote? What was the reaction?
I can't remember. It was probably something in the classical guitar idiom. I've always made sure to ask people who I knew would be supportive - a stacked deck, if you will, in my favor.
Do you set yourself daily, weekly, yearly goals? If so, what are some of your goals?
Yes, I definitely have to set daily goals, otherwise a whole day passes me buy, and I feel like I've done nothing. These goals are rewarding because I can say, for example, I'm going to work on words for an hour, and then at the end of the hour I've done it - it might all be shit, but at least I've stayed with it, and it'll likely turn into something good at some point. In contrast, saying that I want to tour the world by the time I'm 33 is a bit more difficult to materialize. Ultimately, I know that if I keep writing and touring, I will get led to greater accomplishments in my craft as well as a greater fan base with more touring opportunities.
You are a guitarist, song writer, poet, and arranger. Which of the above do you prefer and why?
At this point, I'm a singer-songwriter. It's what I practice on a daily basis, and it's how I'm starting to become known.
I understand that in Canada there are Music Festival Travel Grants as well as other travel grants that assist professional Canadian musicians to perform at festivals outside their province or territory of residence.
Apparently, these grants are given to introduce experience artists to new audiences at an early stage of their career to a wider public. Have you ever received this assistance and if so, could you tell our audience how beneficial have they been from the point of view of furthering your career?
Yes, I've received some assistance from the Canada Council for the Arts and it has been extremely helpful. I got a tour grant last year, for instance, which allowed me to tour across the country. Although the tour wasn't as well organized as I'd hoped for, it did provide me with a new network of people across the country who have since become very supportive, including my current manager, Candace Elder.
Do you think there is some kind of a connection between music and travel?
Absolutely. Traveling, whether physical or emotional, provides a new perspective, or a new backdrop, if you will, to your old script. It makes your story seem a little more vibrant, and therefore, worthy of being documented, which of course, is one of the main purposes of art.
What is next for Dan Goldman and is there anything you wish to add that we have not covered?
I have a tour beginning in August that I hope will bring me from coast to coast. I'm also working on some new songs and am really excited to record them in the new year.
Thanks Dan and good luck with all of your future endeavors. Thanks Norm

New Book Claims Most Religions Encourage Devil Worship

The author spent 18 years transcribing God's enlightenments about the real nature of good, the startling agenda of evil and the profound purpose of our existence. Now he is potentially risking his security to transmit these stunning messages to our mAuthor Records Startling Revelations From God
When we pray to God most of us are actually worshipping the devil. That's because instead of praying to God directly -- the majority of people are worshipping via intermediaries, messengers and gurus or praying to religious symbols and images. This is just one of many controversial revelations found within the 600 pages of Shyam Buxani's new non-fiction book SALAM - Divine Revelations From The Actual God. The book, which is about to hit the nation's bookstores, is the result of almost 2 decades of ongoing spiritual visions experienced by the author. In this regard, both author and publisher certify that SALAM contains the word of God delivered in modern times and that the book is not associated with any existing religion.
Buxani, an international businessman who was born in India and lives in New York City, experienced his first "divine revelation" in 1984 while praying and fasting. Encouraged by his family to record God's enlightenments as they occurred, the author spent the next 18 years writing them down, in a combination of poetry and prose, exactly as they were conveyed to him. Today, his family has pooled their resources to help him communicate God's teachings to the world, for the benefit of mankind.
With religion's political influence increasingly under scrutiny, Buxani may be risking his personal security to transmit these enlightenments about the world's great religions, the startling agenda of evil and the profound purpose of our existence. According to Buxani, SALAM - Divine Revelations From The Actual God provides God's wake up call about the need for "Direct Worship" and a detailed moral code encompassing most aspects of life; including the environment, capitalism, medicine, free trade, income taxes, rising crime, women's rights, homosexuality and family. In our turbulent times, spiritual and religious books are selling better than ever before as more and more people seek answers to thorny questions about the nature of good and evil. In this respect, SALAM - Divine Revelations From The Actual God should inspire some, outrage others and spark intense debate. Further information and excerpts from the book can be viewed at

10 Things To Do Before Buying A Novel

OK, you don’t get much time to read novels anymore. You used to but that was another life. Before you could pick up something that appealed and because you read so much, you weren’t too disappointed if it didn’t grab you like you thought it would. Things have changed. Now when you pick up a novel to read it has to get you in quickly or it will collect dust on your bedside table. There are too many other things demanding your attention…like sleep! And when you go to the bookshop sometimes its hard not to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of books on offer, especially with the big mega stores becoming the norm. So what to do? I’ve put together a checklist that with a little bit of preparation can help you wade through the sea of books and help you pick a surefire winner: a novel that will captivate YOU.1. The best place to start is to look out in magazines, newspapers and online for book reviews – see what is being billed as the latest must read. Even if you don’t have time to read the whole review, jot down the title and author as one to look out for. 2. Ask friends for the best book they have read in the last few months or this year or the last few years if like you they really are struggling with the whole when-am-I-going-to-find-time-to-read-a-novel?-thing. Don’t just ask them what book was their favourite; ask them why they liked it. Was it an unusual story, was the pace so fast they needed a crash helmet, did it have edge of the seat suspense, did it remind them of growing up? You want to know what exactly made it a great read for them. This will help you to refine your search, especially if they say they liked the quirky twist in the ending and you don’t do quirky. Just because you’re close friends doesn’t automatically mean you like the same books.3. Ask the people behind the counter at your favourite bookshop what they enjoyed reading and get them to take you to it or give you a specific reference number so you can find it easily yourself. 4. When you get the book in your hands look at the cover. Is it a catchy title? Does the cover appeal to you? Despite the old saying about not judging book covers, publishers put a lot of time and effort into creating a captivating cover and title. Does it work for you?5. Turn it over and read the back. Does it still appeal? Do you only like reading modern books and this is set in the 1800s? It’s important to be fairly ruthless at this stage. If the premise for the story doesn’t leave you wanting more, chances are the writing probably won’t either.6. Look at the size of the book. I know this isn’t something for the purists but if you don’t get time to read many novels, don’t launch back in with a 700 page tome or it will probably take you all year and then you’ll be frustrated and annoyed at wasting time and money on something you haven’t enjoyed.7. The next step is crucial. Read the opening – does it get you in straight off? Novels have a bit more time to seduce you than a short story but not much these days. A good opening is like someone placing a thread around your finger and gently tugging on it. They’ve got you but can they keep you?8. Has the author mentioned 10 characters and 5 different place names in the first 3 paragraphs? You want to be captivated not confused, remember? If your main reading time is before you drop off to sleep, books that have lots of characters and places or even a family tree at the beginning are a warning that it gets complicated and you need to keep track of who is who and what they’re up to. 9. Are there lots of long sentences or are they short and sharp? Lots of short sentences usually mean action and pace. Something. Is happening. Right now. Usually it’s best to go for a story with a combination of both – one that suits your preferred action/background information mix.10. If you still think the book in your hands is worthy, randomly flip open the book in 5 places and see whether it is densely packed with text. Is there dialogue at each page you stop? No dialogue usually means that a book is more descriptive rather than direct scenes. If you want a compelling read then go for something with a fair amount of dialogue; if you don’t mind a slower pace then bits of dialogue here and there is probably enough to keep you going.If it all stacks up, buy it and enjoy. Just one more tip though. If it doesn’t captivate you in the first 100 pages and you find reading it a chore, give it up. Don’t keep persisting just because you don’t like leaving things unfinished. The book won’t feel hurt if you don’t finish it. And the author will never know.

Your Name on the Line

I might be in “big” trouble. Because some persons hacked into my e-mail box. I don’t know who they are. But I am worried. No! Scared. Because I know its implications. And these may be far reaching—even, incriminating. I might just be visited, any day from now, by Interpol or the local police. And arrested—like one of my unfortunate friends—for any of the dozen or so cyber crimes.But know this. I will not be arrested for denial-of-service attacks. Neither will it be for credit card hijacks. Nor downloading my MP3 songs into NASA’s computers. Not even of every hackers dream--gaining access into the Pentagon's secret files to find out if “Area 51” exists. I would not be arrested in a "blaze of glory" like Kevin Mitnick, a former prima hacker. But like some bogus Nigerian prince. The situation in which I find myself, however, is not an isolated case. Because I am just one of the many victims of identity theft which the FBI called the "hottest, and most troubling, new scam on the Internet."I might call myself lucky because I found out soon. (I checked my e-mail, only to find scam mails sent from it, much to my horror.) But there are those not so fortunate. And these had to wait months, or even years, before finding out that some miscreant was using their name as a front.Because of this some have lost their credit card privileges, loans, houses and jobs. Or in some cases, arrested for crimes they did not commit. Can life be this unfair? It is. Because the dishonesty of others may rub off on you. (Like the sins of the fathers visited upon the sons.)Dishonesty is an art. And the spammers have gotten so artful. Gone are the days when you worried about the simple spam mail. Though annoying, these were easily detectable. Now, your worries are greater—the mails are not easily detectable. So good are these counterfeits, replete with links and genuine looking logos of bonafide outfits like eBay, that many customers are deceived into parting with their credit card and social security details. And the name of this new actor in our cyber sitcom? Phishing mail.When trouble comes it does so in pairs. For phishing mail—like Bonnie and Clyde—don’t operate alone. It also has an even more deceptive collaborator named pharming or website faking. And this is rife. For every genuine website there may be 10 or more falsies. The modus operandi of spammers are becoming nastier by the day. I know of some phishing mails which compromise your e-mail box when you open them. Some pharming techniques are known to target web browsers like Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. The purpose, redirection. So when you type a URL of an authentic website, say,, it takes you not to American Online but to a bogus website. And be preyed upon. Cyberspace is not the Nirvana you thought it was.Because “Dragons” so says one writer “live there.” And the dragons—a dishonest few with criminal intent—are out to get us. But while we wait for Saint George or a group of dragon slayers to deliver us from this menace, I have a siesta. And I dream. And in my dream I find myself teleported into the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons, and chased by goblins, wizards and warlocks. And I flee into a nearby tower and bolt its immense door. My adversaries are outside, thirsty for my blood. I climb its stairs to the top. I peer down. I see them produce, a battering ram.Suddenly I awake to sharp raps on my door. I start. Could it be Interpol come to take me away? My fear returns with a vengeance. I hear a voice. And heave a sigh of relief. It was not the cops after all. But a friend!

Who is watching You?

Which is your preferred reality TV show: Survivor, Real World, American Idol, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, Big Brother, Dog Days, Starting Over, or Temptation Island? Or is it Paradise Hotel, Playing it Straight, Mad Mad House, Love Cruise, Last Comic Standing or Next Action Star? Would you prefer Road Rules, My Big Fat Fiancé, Forever Eden, Fame, Both Camp, or the longer name Beg, Borrow and Deal? How about The Apprentice, Top Model, Rebel Billionaire, Extreme Makeover, I Want a Famous Face, and Fear Factor. Consider a more bizarre list: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and Queer Eye for the Straight Girl, Can You Be a Porn Star?, Wife Swap, and Murder in Small Town X. Because the list is long, I had to abridge it. (What an abridgement!) So, forgive me if I excluded your favorite.It appears, nowadays, that everyone has a new concept for reality TV. (Next season watch out for these new shows coming your way: The Cut, Rock Star, Fire me . . . Please.) But not all new concepts make it to TV land. Some, like the dream conquests of Hannibal and Napoleon, are writ on water. For the other day while browsing the Web, I came across these "new" ideas for reality TV shows, which might never see daylight: Ultimate Reality, World's Scariest Prostitute Chases, World's Most Uneventful Videos, Middle School Blind Date, Rent-a-Cops, When Hobos Attack, Joe Heterosexual, Accountants, The Saddams, Meet my Internet Stalkers, I'm an Online Gamer. Since everyone is coming up with their own concepts for reality TV, I shan't be undone. So here are mine: Tax Evaders and My neighbors, the Terrorists.The proliferation of reality TV shows only highlights their popularity—they are over a hundred of them running on cable alone. And their ratings are enough to make TV producers dream up more. For out of 10 most viewed television programs 5 are reality shows. Like the smash hit among reality buffs, Big Brother. But little do the many fans of these shows realize its allusion to Orwell's classic novel, 1984, where the machinery of a totalitarian state, personified by an anonymous "Big Brother," oversees the lives of its citizens. In the book spy cameras were every where—in the bathrooms, in bedrooms, and at places of work!In the days of yore spying was the sole reserve of Intelligence agencies. Like the American CIA, the British MI6, the Israeli Mossad, and the defunct Soviet Union's KGB. Now, anyone who has the right tools and a little time could play "Big Brother." Like in Thailand, Asia, where peeping-Toms run amok and famous actresses and ministers are filmed having sex in their own boudoirs, and beamed live to viewers all over the country. (The Clinton / Lewinsky fiasco was sissy stuff.) And not too long ago in Spain, a man was caught by the Spanish police for spying, and stealing people's data through their webcams. Scary? I have heard worse. Because you can also be spied upon through your computer monitor. Paranoia appears to be necessary in today's brave new world. Because privacy is nix. Hear this from Andrew Shen, a privacy analyst at the Electronics Privacy information Center (EPIC): "Most people haven't fully grasped how everything that you see or do on the Internet is recorded and stored somewhere." Or this more harrowing remark from Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems: "You already have zero privacy—get used to it."Yes, get over it. Because in today's knowledge obsessed world, data is priced commodity. And any organization—or individual—who wants it will. And the sad thing about this is that we most times give it away without knowing. Did you just ask how? Simple. You are the kind that likes to download lot of free stuff—music, games, softwares and what have you. But what you never knew is that you are actually paying for those programs with your personal data. Surprised? Don't be. (There is no such thing as a free lunch.) And when this data is taken and used for marketing purposes it can also be sold to a third party, who may use it for whatever it pleases.And if you're not tricked into giving your data away, there are always insidious programs like Cookies and Trojan horses. A Cookie is a program which you sometimes download for the better viewing of certain websites. (It is a security loophole and can be used by skilled hackers and crackers to infiltrate your system.) A Trojan horse—like the fabled wooden horse which the Greeks used in infiltrating Troy—is a back door to your computer which a cracker can use whenever he or she desires to steal data. Or simply take over your computer to cause mayhem. (To discover a Trojan horse—it works invisibly—a good antivirus like Norton, MacAfee, or even Panda is required.)They are a lot of compromised websites out there embedded with Spywares and Trojan Horses. But the problem is—it's impossible to tell a normal website from a compromised one. So what do you do? The best bet is to browse without downloading anything you don't trust. I personally prefer this advice from Bob Kane's and Bill Fingers' Batman: "Trust nobody." Because your friends' computers or emails maybe compromised without them ever knowing it. (Never open an attachment you are not expecting, even from those you know.)With the Net and the Web came good things. Like the exchange of knowledge and ideas (a student studying micro electronics somewhere in Srilanka maybe reading the latest development in nanotechnology published by professors in MIT.) People interact today from far corners of the globe who would not have met ten years ago (a boy from South Africa chatting with a girl from the Philippines). We can download the latest music through Mp3s. We can send and receive pictures and home movie videos. But for all this freedom which the web gives we pay a price—we forfeit our privacies. Because anyone, anywhere on the Web, who is interested, can trace us. (Our digital tracts are everywhere.)

Three Ways to Add Versatile Content to Your Site or eZine

If you run a content driven web site or eZine, then I think you will agree with me when I say that finding free, quality content on the ‘Net is a pain. Sure, people are writing articles which they want published, but nine times out of ten, these articles are just “copy-pasted” or recycled from someone else’s articles, and content like this wont give your site a particularly high profile.There are heaps of ways to add some pizzazz and glitz to your site or eZines content that will keep your visitors coming back on a regular basis. In this article I will talk about three of them: Interviews, Reviews and Books.------------------------------------------Interviews------------------------------------------People like reading about other people: What they do, how they do it, and most importantly, why they do it. So do you, right? Well I know I do. Have you ever thought about emailing a specific person from a company and requesting a “virtual interview” with them?When I say virtual interview, I mean conducting the interview via a series of emailed questions. I have, and every single person that I emailed was more than happy to give me the time of day to answer some questions about them, their job role, their history, etc. When you think about it, it’s a win-win situation for both you and that person: You add more quality content to your site, and they get promos and links back to their site from your interview (This is a must, and can be the deciding factor in nailing the interview).But just how would you go about asking for a virtual interview? And whom would you ask? Let me give you an example.About two weeks ago, one of my editors (Tim Pabst) interviewed Markus Maki from This interview added value to our site, because in the interview Markus talked about his industry experience, the development of the 3Dmark series, as well as his opinions on technology, etc. No one else has this kind of “insider” information about Markus on their site, so it makes our virtual interview one-of-a-kind.Here’s the email that Tim used to ask Markus to participate in our virtual interview:Hi Markus,My name is Time Pabst, and I am one of the editors for I have been a huge fan of for as long as I can remember, and I was wondering if I would be able to conduct an email-based interview with you.This interview would consist of you answering some short questions about your life, job and experiences and simply emailing them back to me. Your questions will be compiled into an article and posted on our site.Your interview will also include several mentions of, thus creating more links back to your site. Please let me know if and when this is possible.I look forward to your reply.Tim PabstNotice how the email was short and to the point? No marketing gook, no confusing sentences, just a quick description of the who’s, what’s, when’s, why’s and how’s of the interview.The email was a success, and the Interview questions were sent to Markus the next day. We had the interview on the site within a week. You can see it at are another great way to add some variety to your sites content. You don’t have to be a professional to review a product or web site. Reviews are merely one person’s opinion of an item with some technical babble thrown in for good measure.I am currently in the process of reviewing Namo Web Editor 5. It is a complete web editing solution, similar to FrontPage. I decided to review this product because a lot of my visitors are newbies to the web, just learning how to start programming.Product reviews can work well for you both content wise and financially wise: You get a new form of content on your site, but you can also link back to the product (from within your review) with your unique tracking ID. This means that for every sale that company gets from a visitor buying their product through a link from your review, you receive a percentage of that sale, usually around 5-20%.Once again, it’s a win-win situation. The key here is to review products that your visitors will find useful and exclude any marketing hype from the review.------------------------------------------Books------------------------------------------Everyone reads in some-way or another: conventional books, email, the daily newspaper, eBooks, articles, etc. People feel empowered when they have read something that provides them with useful, free information. A book review can do just that.There are hundreds of online stores that allow you to link to their books section and receive commission on a per-order basis. The most popular one is Amazon, with over 500,000 members. Their associates program (located at lets you enter a books ISBN code and spits out a link and picture right back to that book on their site.Reviewing a book is easy, but either you or someone you know must have read the book beforehand. Don’t fall into the trap of simply reading the books blurb and then writing a review on it, because you will get caught out and your visitors will loose trust in you.When reviewing a book, let your visitors know your overall opinion of the book, as well as your favourite points and sections in the book. Include as many peoples opinion on that particular book as you can, whether they are positive or negative. Your readers will expect you to provide them with honest reviews, and there’s no point lying just so they buy the book.You may also like to include a sample chapter from the book in your review. This lets visitors have a read of the book without actually purchasing it. If they like the sample chapter, then there’s a good chance they will click on your link to buy the book in the end. I like to review Wrox’s series of programming books, because they let you publish a sample chapter from their book on your site, just like I have at’t get stuck into the habit of posting the same type of content on your site. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life, and this is true in the online world also. If you run a content driven site then have a brainstorm listing several companies, products and books related to your sites content that you could review.For each company, compose an email to send using the format that I have outlined in this article. Start by writing to 2-3 companies requesting virtual interviews and see how you go.For each product, write up a similar email requesting either a beta/full copy of the software you want to review. Because you need to actually spend time reviewing and testing the product first, you should start with just 1-2 emails and see how you go.Books, on the other hand, are a different story. Goto and signup for free. Then, pick a couple of books (ones that you have read) and write a 1-2 page review on each one. Post them straight onto your site with the link provided by the Amazon associates program at the end of the review.Until next time, I would recommend you experiment with the ideas outlined in this article. If you do everything right, then you can expect your visitor count to increase as a result.


Stupidman Brands the Book, Sends Email AttachmentThis is the 4th issue of The Internet Adventures ofStupidman. If you can't find the previous issues and youreally want need a hobby. Just kidding,email the "junk" emailaddress assignment in the 3rd issue?}. I only check thisaccount a couple times a week but I will respond.If you are reading this, then the idea I took fromInternet Profit Pearls in Chapters 4&11 really works. Canyou believe what's happening? My family (The Boss,GreasedLightning,Fashion Girl) say stuff to me (or at me) all thetime. I get to turn it against them in publication(atleast that's the feedback they're giving me). Unbelievable, I can potentially make money by writing abouthow I'm abused by my family. I've already got the next 3issues outlined in my mind. To think I can capitalize onmy ignorance, America truly is the Land of Opportunity.My hero, me, er....Stupidman is still trying to enter thismillenium by doing the exercises contained in the freechapters of Internet Profit Pearls (IPP).I have read the free chapters and have signed up for mostof the affiliate programs that promised me small fortunes. (Including one that cost $50, I'm an affiliate of 14 or 15programs). Some of the programs would only accept me if Ihad a website (which I don't) so I signed off on awebsite/hosting agreement with the publisher of IPP, (describes my situation perfectly) for$6 a month. (Read Chapter 3, last screen first, and you'llunderstand). As I intend to resell the book I have to brand my copy. The publisher will brand the free chapters for $27 and theentire book for $47 but I'm on a budget. (I actually readthe free chapters,bought the book,got the book review ideain the non-free chapters and then started on theseexercises. Under normal circumstances I would have paid$47 and have been done with it. The punishment I haveinflicted upon myself at least results in another"Adventure".)I made a list of my special urls that I received from theaffiliate programs. (Techies call it u-r-l, they go crazyif you pronounce it earl. Try it!) There's a file in thebook called Read Me First which has the instructions forbranding. It's pretty easy to follow until you get to item6 which says click the "Edit Field" button. I must havespent 5 minutes staring at the console looking for thenonexistent button. Press the "Edit Brand" button, thecomputer won't blow up, I promise.Item 8 does not assume Stupidman would read this book sowith the reluctant assistance of Greased Lightning I willexpand on this instruction. Put cursor on the "with value"field and click, then, use the right arrow on the keyboardto move text. Delete what you don't want then type in yourstuff. If you spot a screwup before you hit ok presscancel and try again. If you press ok before you notice ascrewup I don't know what to tell you. (This is not to sayStupidman didn't screwup, merely that it was not noticed. Ignorance can be bliss.)Some companies have several affiliate programs (likeroibot). If you signed up for one you're probably in allof them, so brand all versions of the same company.I spent a lot of time,unsuccessfully, trying to check mybranded links. Finally gave up but I'm sure I did it right.I emailed the author to inquire how to upload to the IPPhosted site but was told (I thought his tone was kind ofsnippy) there was NO WAY he would allow Stupidman to uploadand that I needed to email the branded book as anattachment.A new challenge, but this turned out to be surprisinglyeasy. Our email uses Outlook Express and Help is at thetop of the screen. Help leads to Contents which is where Ifound Attachments. Using the selective printing functiondescribed in an earlier issue, I copy the "insert a file ina message" instructions. Hard copy in hand I attach thebranded book and send it off into cyberspace (hopefully inthe general direction of the author).Coming Soon: Stupidman Creates SIG File,Opens LockCan Stupidman Use IPP and Be a BazillionaireStupidman Explores Alt key,Printing W/O PaperP.S. My son, Greased Lightning, has critiqued the firstthree (already published) issues and (agrees with my name)says there is no Pkzip, should have said PKWARE. Sorry.

Entertainment Industry's Leader

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atlanta, GA - - February 25, 2005 - - Syan's Writing Services has started 2005 with much success! We have added new services and continue to provide the entertainment industry with the best in public relations! Syan, the expert in press writing is the industry's most wanted for press releases, bio's, website content, and book reviews. Before you seek a PR writer to send out your next press release, write your artist bio, or website content you might want to reconsider your choice. Syan Newton, the entertainment industry's leader in fresh and innovative writing for labels, studios, and events has been blazing cyber space with news on upcoming artists, web site launches, record label awards, and artist bio's.No newcomer to the industry wants to be under-exposed or libeled. Syan provides the right amount of exposure and gives the client the edge they need in order to provoke the right publicity. Ms. Newton's services also include distributing her client's press releases internationally! One of her clients describes an experience working with Syan as, "very rewarding...I presented my ideas to her, to let her know what I wanted-she was very prompt and over-exceeded my expectations-now my company is internationally known!" According to Syan, her clients receive VIP treatment with expert results. She says, "I view my clients as customers who come to me to receive a service. I respond with a willingness and desire to produce what ever it is that is needed to get their name out." Ms. Newton, alumni of Georgia State University in Atlanta, has been writing for 15 years. Her creativity and originality with words is phenomenal. It seems as though Ms. Newton will be someone we will hear more about as her regional renown continues to grow. If you are someone urgently needing more publicity or recognition you will be more than satisfied with Syan's Writing Services. Contact Information: Syan Newton Phone: (404) 421-8573 Email:

No Operating System

Imagine a computer with no operating system. If you can do that, you can imagine a computer that is extremely difficult to hack into. A computer that is almost immune to viruses. A computer that rarely crashes. Too good to be true? No, such a computer has been invented.Eric Hauk and Eric Uner, 2 former Motorola engineers, invented this computer. They became so frustrated and annoyed by hack attacks and by all the time they wasted installing software patches, that they decided to change their server. Instead of an operating system, they designed a chip storing a "kernel" of only about 4 Kilobytes of code. They founded Bodacion Technologies Inc. ( to market their computer, which is called Hydra.This is essentially the same idea that is used for medical devices and for game-playing machines like Nintendo. Nintendo rarely breaks down even though young hackers are constantly trying. Why is an operating-system-less computer more sturdy than one with an operating system? What do many viruses do? Once they get into the system they manage to modify operating-system instructions to kill the whole system. But if operating-system instructions do not exist, or rather they exist in hardware, they cannot be modified. Result: a computer you can depend on. Of course, this tremendous reliability comes at price. Why does the operating system have millions of lines of code? To increase the flexibility of the computer. This is why such computers are called general purpose computers. Without the O.S., the computer loses this flexibility and becomes one that is tailored for a given purpose.Producing many tailored non-O.S. computers is now worthwhile in order to achieve greater reliability.It seems to me that this new technology is better than it appears to be at first blush. It may even be used to make general purpose computers more resistant to viruses. If a non-O.S. computer were used as an input-output device for a conventional O.S. computer, it could kill viruses before they reach the conventional computer.I believe that non-O.S. computers have a great future!

When Internet Marketing Gurus Sell Their Soul

If you're just getting started in Internet Marketing, you may be awed by the amount of "Internet Gurus" out there, each one making millions of dollars (or so they claim) and for some reason seem more than willing, for a fee, to teach you their biggest, most intimate secrets.
Well, I believe in one thing - "If it sounds too good to be true, it most probably is!"
While I have no doubt about the specialized skills and techniques used by these gurus, it can get a little too frustrating simply getting tangled and lost in all their hype, and find almost no value at the end of the day. Hype - that's one thing I agree these guru's are really good at. For some of them, unfortunately, hype is the only thing they're good at.
So the question, for those who are trying to master Internet Marketing, might be:
Can I learn anything from these gurus without paying money?
Who's real and who's not?
Whose Internet marketing methods should I follow?
Question 1: Can I Learn Something for Free?
Most Internet guru's have opt-in newsletters on specialized subjects like website marketing, Pay-Per-Click advertising, search engine optimization or whatever specialized skill they have "mastered". Almost all of them try to convince you to subscribe to their newsletter in return for some kind of "breakthrough" report, and promise to deliver "valuable information" weekly or monthly to your email address. Sounds great...
Here's what happens 2 weeks later - You realize that the "breakthrough report" is the same old regurgitated information which you can find almost anywhere. You might also realize that the "valuable information" almost never comes without any hidden agenda. The "valuable information" usually turns out to be a soft-selling ad (sometimes even blatant advertisements) for the guru's latest products or paid seminars, or even worse, some other Internet marketer's products.
I'm not trying to shoot down any marketer here, but the irony is in their teaching. Almost all internet gurus would advice you to offer valuable, free information that benefits other people. Profits, as they say, is secondary to actually helping people and making a difference in their lives. Give before you take....what a load of BS!
How come they don't practice what they preach? Of is that how the "Internet Marketing Game" is really played? Surely, nobody minds receiving ads and promotions, as long as there is a fair deal of free information being offered.
Fortunately, not all Internet marketers are the same. There are still some jewels to be found, and they offer some great information in their newsletters, which they unselfishly offer for free, such as:
Vishal Rao ( talks about starting and managing home based businesses.
Mike Cheney ( talks about building an effective and efficient business web site.
Jill Whalen ( talks about Search Engine Optimization.
Allan Gardyne ( is the authority on affiliate programs and affiliate marketing, with an award-winning newsletter.
Of course there are many more good marketers out there, and you'll have to get through several bad ones first before you get to the good ones. It is not necessary to subscribe to every Internet Marketing newsletter just to hope for nuggets of gold that may never come. Instead, give the gurus a "trial" month, and if you don't find anything of value from them, just unsubscribe from their mailing lists.
It will only be a loss to them, not you.
Question 2 : Who's Real and Who's Not?
To answer this question, you really have to "get around" the Internet a lot. Take part in Internet Marketing forums where you will definitely find topics on info-products, seminars and software offered by these gurus, and see what others are saying about them.
Forget about all those blaring testimonials that the gurus compile on their site. After visiting several guru websites, you may start to find the same faces and names, helping each other out by giving testimonials which are seldom backed by proof. Forums are where the real testimonials are.
If you find yourself browsing the Internet a lot, trying to find good value for money, then you'll need the Alexa toolbar. What this toolbar does is that it gives you an idea of the popularity of the website you're visiting. Secondly, it allows you to see who the closest competitors are, giving you more alternatives to choose from. Besides that, it also displays reviews and ratings given by others who have visited the website or used any product being sold via the website. This is where you'll find the "not so beautifully polished" opinions and testimonials.
- Alexa Toolbar :
(Alexa is owned by If you're concerned about installing toolbars on your computer, make sure you adjust the privacy settings accordingly)
You may also want to consider this site:
- GuruDaq :
Taking on a Nasdaq-like approach, this site lists all gurus according to ratings and 'stock price'. Although I would advice you to take it more for its entertainment value than actual recommendations, perhaps this site will allow you to get a glimpse of "who's who" in Internet Marketing.
Question 3 : Whose methods should I follow?
Honestly, nobody's. At least not word-for-word of what is thought in their newsletters or ebooks. The important thing to realize is that you need to develop your own technique to be really successful. The guru's don't teach you everything, anyway. They almost always feed you the crop but keep the cream for themselves. In other words, no one really tells you the "hot money-making secrets". They only teach you their not-so-secret money making facts.
There are many places you can get reviews on internet marketing ebooks, but be warned that most will be biased in one way or another. Here's a good downloadable PDF resource on ebook reviews, distributed with the permission of the author:
- "Web Promotion Products Exposed" by Mike Cheney:
Its really up to you to learn some tips and tricks of the trade from Internet gurus, but set out on your own course. In order to be successful in anything, you need to do your own thing. Be original in your approach, whether it's writing sales letters, doing email marketing, writing articles, pay-per-click or search engine optimization, and the world will take notice.
It is also important to realize that before you go around shopping for all kinds of "how-to" material and software, you need to get a good grip of what your business really needs. You'll need to develop a strong, specific and detailed business plan before you set out on a quest to improve your knowledge on that are critical to the success to your business. Here are some good resources for writing effective business plans:
When you know what your business truly needs, you're more likely to recognize the exact type of internet marketing method you'll need to study and master. Don't just look to someone who has sold their soul a long time ago to guide you to the path of success.
That's just wishful thinking.

The Top 6 Website Sins

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Your website then is the window to your business. What would a passerby think of your "window"? Would they want to stop and maybe come inside for a few moments? Or would they just pass by without giving it a second glance?
The goal of any website is to make the visitor stay. The desired visitor response might be that they make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, enter a competition or simply complete a survey. The end result is the same - you need the web surfer to hang around your website for as long as possible.
There are, however, aspects of your site which can stop visitors from staying. Some of these are:
Sin #1
Slow loading
The ultimate website sin. Your homepage must, must, must load in 30 seconds or less. This is not optional. If a visitor has to wait more than 30 seconds they will stop what they're doing and move on to the next website. Optimize your website to load quickly by using as few graphics as possible and then only use JPEGS and GIFS. Your website should be no more than 20% graphics and at least 80% text. Why? Text loads faster and also keeps your visitor reading about your site as it loads up.
Sin #2
Poor layout
A visitor should be able to find what they need on your website in 3 clicks of the mouse or less. Any more than that and you're losing valuable visitors. Your navigation menu should be easy to use and every single link must work properly. Make use of a sitemap. Do not use fancy cursors. Do not use complicated menu systems. Text should be legible but not too big. Keep it simple. Imagine how a new internet user would react to your website. Would they love it or hate it? Could a new visitor to your website easily find the information they're looking for?
Sin #3
Awful color schemes
There's nothing worse than searching for a website for hours only to find what you need and then realize that you cannot read the text on the pages because the owner though yellow text on a light blue background was cool. If you need guidance on how to choose colors for your website look at any magazine for examples. Black or dark blue text on a white background is the simplest and most effective color scheme.
For your menus and other background colours bear the following in mind:
Red is stimulating and agressive.
Blue is peaceful and tranquil.
Gree is calm and refreshing.
Yellow grabs peoples attention.
Purple is wealthy and luxurious.
Brown is solid and reliable.
Orange is bright and optimistic.
Sin #4
Poor spelling and grammar
If you're selling a product or service online and your website is littered with spelling and grammar mistakes then you're on a loser immediately. I recently reviewed an ebook that had 4 very bad spelling mistakes including the word business misspelled in the opening paragraph. Inexcusable. We all make mistakes but keep them to a minimum. A visitor may forgive one typo. You may not get a second chance.
Here's 3 tips for checking your webpages.
1. Use a spell checker. Every word-processor has one.
2. Proofread anything you write from bottom to top. You'll spot more mistakes that way.
3. Always proof read anything you've written 24 hours later. You'll be amazed at how many mistakes you'll spot.
Sin #5
Flashing graphics
Banners or logos that flash, spin, fade in and out and/or perform any other gimmick are a no go area. Don't use them. Flashing banners and logos say "I've never put together a website before. Cool, huh?" Any website with this type of graphic element turns me off. A website logo or banner should be a static graphic or text. Online marketing surveys consistently report that animated icons and graphics on a website are a major turnoff for visitors.
Sin #6
Hit counters
Only used by amateurs. Take them off your website. Please. Any decent webhost can provide you with traffic stats which will provide much more accurate information than a hit counter. Having a hit counter on your website was a good idea 8 years ago. The online world has moved on. You should too.
There's an old rule of sales:
"If I could see through John Smiths eyes I could sell John Smith what John Smith buys".
Design your website for your visitor and not for you.

The Opt-In Secret

Everyone knows that in order to be successful online you need build a large (quality) list through some type of Opt-In offer.
You see them now on virtually every site you visit on the internet, some type of form, whether from a pop-up window or directly on the site itself, that is asking for your name and email address in exchange for some type of offer (newsletter, e-course, free chapter etc.)
Unfortunately, many web site owners (yes, even the gurus) are not doing everything they can to maximize the number of people who opt-in from their website. In fact, many site’s opt-ins may actually be hurting their sales.
Here are a few tips on what to do and what not to do with your opt-in offer:
• You should definitely have a pop-up window with an opt-in form. While you may hate pop-ups, the fact is they work. There is even software available that makes it easy to create pop-ups that can not be blocked such as Armand Morin’s POPOver Generator. (
• Of course, you also need to place your opt-in on your web page. However, where you place it is extremely important. Your opt-in should be on the first fold in the upper left hand corner of EVERY page on your site.
• Always give a strong special bonus for people who opt-in. For example, “Sign up for my Teaching Newsletter and receive a free special report: How to Increase Reading Comprehension in the Classroom”
• DO NOT offer a free chapter of your e-book or even a free e-course. You may actually lose sales this way.
If you give away a free chapter of your e-book you are giving your customer the opportunity to not buy your book! Same is true with offering an e-course.
In both cases you may actually be providing enough free information so that the customer doesn’t actually have to buy your product. If nothing else, you are putting off the purchase which only gives the customer more time to not buy your product.
Again, what you want to do is capture your customer’s email address without giving them a reason to put off buying your product.
• DO offer something that compliments and is related to the product you are selling.
For example, it is fairly easy to create a newsletter about your niche market. Your can start by offering a monthly newsletter on tips, articles, Q&As, book reviews, web sites reviews etc. related to your niche market.
As you start to feel more comfortable, you can increase your delivery to bi-monthly, and eventually weekly. However, I would stay away from the daily newsletter. A daily newsletter is simply overkill and will decrease the value of the newsletter. Also, daily delivery will make broadcasts of special offers more difficult and less successful.
Many will tell you that it doesn’t matter too much what your opt-in is, so long as you capture the customer’s name/email. That’s utter nonsense.
Basically, the newsletter gives you a chance to drop in on potential customers for as long as they subscribe to your newsletter without ever distracting the customer away from your product.
However, if you are giving away a free chapter of your e-book, or even a 5-day e-course, after the initial follow-up email campaign is over (roughly 1 week), every email you send is simply advertising and your customers will see right through that (maybe even accuse you of spam).
As a middle school social studies teacher, I created an e-book on teaching strategies. When I changed my original web site opt-in offer from a free e-book chapter to a free newsletter, I not only increased my list, but also greatly increased the sales of my e-book.

The Happy Jar -- How Little Things Can Mean a Lot

I just delivered a free speech. I am a great believer in free speech, but an even greater believer in paid speech. However, there are good reasons why someone like me would deliver free speeches. For instance, to support a charity or a cause I believe in. Or if the audience is full of people who hire speakers.If you’ve ever spoken at a dinner or ran a workshop at a conference, you’ll wince when I mention the dreaded “token of appreciation” presented to the speaker. In your head you think, “Oh no, not another T-shirt.” I have my share of T-shirts, golf shirts, letter openers, books that do not interest me, sweets, ball caps, and pens. I don’t need any more. Sigh. I suppose that’s the price of free speech.Which brings me to my recent free speech, at the end of which I braced myself to face Dreaded Token. I was presented with a lovely gift bag brimming with colorful paper -- the perfect camouflage to conceal Dreaded Token until he was ready to pounce. Mercifully, Madam Group President did not make me open the bag in front of everyone.As I was preparing to leave, I sneaked a peak inside the bag. To my surprise, there was a candy jar with dozens of tiny plastic smiley faces glued to the lid. Around the lid were foam-rubber multi-colored letters that read “Happy Guy”. Wow! It was hand-made. Madam Group President took the time to craft a personal gift. How thoughtful. Dreaded Token, you have met your match. Meet Happy Jar.If you have ever been a parent, valuing more the hand-made card your little daughter scribbles for you than any present she could buy, you know how I felt when I met Happy Jar. I can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to draw so I can feel that way more often.In life, little things really do count. You might be tempted to dismiss them, but they are the seeds that grow up into the garden of your life. Not all little things are good, but yours can be … if you are willing to make a small effort. Madam Group President could have handed me a T-shirt or a ball cap or leftover fruit cake from last Christmas. (Yes, I was once presented with left-over fruitcake.) But she invested her effort instead and I have something wonderful to write about today.You can make someone’s day just by making that same little effort. I sent an encouraging e-mail to lift a friend’s spirits today. It worked. Those carefully chosen words brought her mood right back up. I’m sure you can guess how great that made me feel, too.When Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the epic This Is The Place raved to me about the writing in my book, I felt on top of the world. (It’s not the huge $75 royalty checks every three months that inspire authors to write.) She then raved to and and a dozen other book review web sites. Do I have to tell you how her little extra effort made me feel?I know I am blessed to be surrounded by so many thoughtful people, but I also know that we reap what we sow. What are you sowing? Are you making the time to give a little extra to people around you? Are you sowing seeds of happiness in your garden of life?With the right seeds and a little extra effort, you may find more Happy Jars in your life than Dreaded Tokens. And of course, let us not forget the magic words to keep those Happy Jars coming: “Thank you Madam Group President.”

Ten Tips for Building Multi-Faceted Characters

When I was sixteen, during the Civil Rights era, as part of a one-way student exchange program (from the inner city of Detroit to suburban Traverse City, Michigan), I lived with a white family as part of an integration initiative. (For me, it was an escape from the drugs taking over my neighborhood and some other demons in my life, but that's another story.) The mother of the family was also an artist, a sculptress, who encouraged me to write when she saw my love of the written word. Her name is Verna Bartnick, and when she prophesied that she saw a writing talent in me, I wasn't so sure. After all, if, at the time, I had told my family I wanted to be a writer, they would've laughed and said, "Go get you a good job." Well, as life rolled around, and I went to college, then became a social worker for the next twenty-three years, while raising 3 children, I used to wonder, when was my literary destiny going to begin?
Ironically, by the time my writing did emerge, I had buried my mother and become a grandmother, two milestones, which forced me to take action and realize how transient this life is. From living, I gleaned many things about my journey, but this is one thing I can’t say enough now—everything I learned about building multi-faceted characters I learned as a social worker.
These are 10 tips for building multi-faceted characters.
1. I learned that babies will die from maternal deprivation if a process called bonding does not take place. From that I’d like to make an analogy. I learned that as a writer, you must make your reader bond to your character or your characters will die from reader deprivation. You do this through reader identification, emotions and loyalty. The reader will then begin to root for your main character(s.)
2. Even a crackhead has redeemable qualities and a motivation for what led to him or her becoming a substance abuser. Give your villains (or antagonist) a motivation, a past, and some good traits. Also, I learned, just like in life, that in fiction the best lines can come from bums and street corner “psychologists.” In my novel, No Pockets in a Shroud, these are gems spoken from my character Poor Boy, an alcoholic derelict.
“When you don’t love someone, you just don’t love them. They can be ever so nice to you, but you can’t make yourself love them. And vice-versa. I been in love both ways. The kind where I didn’t love someone back, and the kind where the other party was just using me. I know this is sad to say, but graveyard love done killed a many people. Got more people in the cemetery than cancer.”
3. Also, just like in life, in fiction, being good is not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s easier to do the wrong thing. The person, such as a “do gooder” social worker, who tries to do the right thing, has the hardest struggle. Show this in your characters, particularly in your protagonist or main character. Fiction is about struggle and the fight to do good in a world filled with evil. Good intentions are generally what lead to conflicts in books. For example, a good mother, with well-meaning intentions, can overprotect her children, creating followers and people who make bad choices. (So if your main character is a goody-two shoe, give her a critical flaw.) On the other hand, sometimes you can use the bad guy as the lead character. They seem to inspire a lot of admiration from ordinary, law abiding citizens. Remember how in The Godfather, more people loved the Godfather than they did Fredo, his wimpy son, who was not a murderer? So don’t rule out using anti-heroes as your lead character.
4. Things happen to people that can either build their character early in life or destroy them. One teenage mother can go on to become a lawyer; another will drop out of high school, become a welfare queen or substance abuser. One child can grow up with a schizophrenic parent and go on to become a self-fulfilled adult; another can grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth and become a serial killer. A character’s backstory is important, but it doesn't always determine what kind of person he or she will become. The best early life experience does not always produce resilient, tenacious people, nor does the worst early life experience always produce bad people. That’s why it’s often said that hardship builds character.
5. Life is often about compromise. Don’t give your books neat little happy endings. In my novel, No Pockets in a Shroud, Nefertititi reunites with her birth daughter she'd had as a teen and placed for adoption at birth, but she pays the price of always wondering what would have happened had she opted to raise her child at a time when society was merciless to “unwed mothers.”
6. People generally grow during downward spirals. The worse life experience can sometimes turn out be the best thing that can happen. The grandmothers who had to take in crack grandbabies often looked younger than their crack daughters and were really better mothers the second time around. Hitting rock bottom is often where people grow or discombobulate. Put this in your fiction.
7. Show the dark side of your characters; this adds to complexity. How about a man who works with children, then goes home and batters his wife? People are full of contradictions.
Or, the flaw could be more subtle. Perhaps look at how people get stuck in bad relationships and refuse to move on, that is, until something happens (the death of a child) such as in Anne Tyler’s novel, The Accidental Tourist, which forces the characters into action.
8. The line between life and death is tenuous. I buried Aids babies and Down Syndrome babies. I witnessed the after results of murder—a man had killed his wife--and I had to place the children. Capture this dichotomy between life and death in your fiction.
9. Life is full of stories. My foster mothers used to tell me stories. My clients told me stories. My clients’ families called and told all the “family skeletons.” I learned that everyone had a story. Everyone had a secret. Show me the inner life of your characters.
10. The Ten Commandments were written because man is essentially in need of God. How different men find their spirituality can be a rocky road such as Paul on the road to Damascus . Take me, as the reader, on this journey. Walter Mosley does this in Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, as we travel with Socrates, as he redeems himself for the murders that he committed earlier in life.

Secrets To Successful Publishing

Have you ever wondered what would it take to compete successfully with the “big guys” like Simon & Schuster and even get to the top of the heap? If there is such thing as a magic formula for success, then the story of Geela, the author of the bestseller book THE AMERICAN DREAM can certainly make a believer out of you too. Mastering the art of the possible is at the heart of Geela’s brand new book where her message is that the possible always exceeds the impossible.
It’s a sobering fact that no one not even the “big guys” (the large publishing houses) are immune to the risk of failing and even going out of business and not so much because of lack of resources but rather lack of innovation, high vision and keeping up with inevitable change. In fact, too many companies take the complacent approach of “one-size-fits-all” to marketing and promotion with a worn out attitude of “business as usual” and “we’re the best, you’re the rest” that stifles innovative thinking (thinking outside the box) so essential for surviving and thriving in a very competitive and dynamic industry where change is the norm and maintaining success is the exception.
It’s been Geela’s experience as a self-supported and self-published author, that greater degrees of success can be achieved by any publishing company regardless of their size or circumstances simply by implementing the following principles for success that worked for her company GLOBAL VISION MEDIA:
It’s not your aptitude but your attitude – a winning attitude can mean the difference between success and failure. Success is a matter of perception and an equal opportunity employer. You are as successful as you make up your mind to be. So don’t be afraid to aim high. Let the story of The Little Engine That Could and David and Goliath inspire you. While some people thought that Goliath was too big to hit, David thought he was too big to miss.
Recognize that dreams and aspirations for success have no expiration date – these are self-imposed artificial deadlines that are silent killers of creativity and motivation.
What determines your level of success or level of failure is not lack of resources but rather lack of creativity (resourcefulness), high vision and faith (remember, quitters never win and winners never quit).
No matter what you were brainwashed to believe, never underestimate your own power to write your own life script and command control of your destiny by either finding a way or making a way. Also when you understand the difference between making things happen vs. letting things happen, you will generate whatever is necessary for you to reach your destination even when all the odds are against you. You no longer have to wait or be at the mercy of traditional distribution and bookstores as they hide your book between competitive titles on their shelves. Your fate is in your hands and all that your hands need to do is to take advantage of the awesome power of modern technology which is now available to the “little guy” as well in order to compete successfully and even surpass the “big guys.” Any self-made successful person will tell you that indeed anything is possible especially to those who believe.
Apply the Kaleidoscope approach to your marketing and promotion efforts – although there are finite number of pieces, infinite number of combinations and possibilities can be created simply by rearranging them. You are limited only by your own imagination and will.
Don’t use the Christopher Columbus method of planning your business if you are serious about reaching your destination of smooth sailing into a new world of success with glory. By failing to plan properly, you plan to fail by default. The power of strategic planning backed by a solid infrastructure cannot be overstated – it’s what makes or breaks regardless of the quality of your product (book). A synergetic plan in place will serve as a compass to guide your actions, evaluate your performance and run your business more profitably.
A good marketing plan requires the dexterity of a circus juggler mainly because of factors such as the different life-cycle stage of each title at any given time. In Geela’s particular case, as a self-contained, it was and still is a unique multi-faceted situation with multiple projects going on simultaneously, involving a brand new book, a music album and putting together an all-star benefit concert with major music producers as part of Geela’s nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD (dedicated to promoting world peace focusing on children’s issues), since Geela is an established singer/songwriter with many albums, awards and rave reviews, a visionary author and a long time peace and children’s activist. She is the founder of the nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD, a co-founder of a successful record label, GLOBAL VISION RECORDS in addition to being a co-fonder of an up and coming independent publishing company, GLOBAL VISION BOOKS/MEDIA. To make life even more exciting, Geela is also a wife and a dedicated mom.
Capitalize on any talents you might have to make up for perceived lack of sales and/or financial resources (initially when you are starting out). Geela’s situation is unique by all standards. Hers is a multi-faceted situation (music/book/nonprofit organization) which greatly enhanced the success of her efforts.
Broaden your marketing and promotional parameters and capabilities to include a multi-level marketing and promotion by reaching out to different audiences from ethnic to military and other untapped markets. In Geela’s case, because of her unique background, as an immigrant from Israel who was born in Iran, with a universal appeal, she capitalized on that fact to reach broader audiences that include ethnic, minorities, women and immigrants.
Your infrastructure needs to be built on a solid foundation which includes everything from an innovative strategic marketing plan to a coordinated program which includes the following elements:
A comprehensive marketing and promotional plan including assorted advertising mix in key places in addition to a national media campaign
Cutting edge on-line marketing and promotion with your own user friendly website (links, pop up banner, affiliate program, ezine newsletter, direct response with a compelling sales letter, article submission, media e-mail blast to keep your name in front of the media with different press releases, sample of products, plenty of endorsements, media room, useful information, strong search engines, just to name a few)
Sales forecast
Financial plans
Secure advanced endorsements for your book from world-renowned personalities, the media, book reviewers and best selling authors to establish credibility
Fulfillment center with your own toll-free number. In Geela’s case she chose a number that’s easy to remember for her radio interviews (800) 99GEELA
Create an outstanding press kit with useful information in addition to promotional and fun material such as posters, bookmarks, double sided glossy flyers and more
Marketing and promotion plans also for pursuing the non-bookstore markets (special sales/premiums/incentive) as well as sub-rights and foreign rights including film rights, especially like in the case of Geela, if your book is slanted towards a movie – these are most lucrative sources for substantial revenues and profitability since you bypass the middlemen, massive discounts and have reduced returns.
Since no man is an island and likewise success is never a one-man show, it’s essential to have a marketing support system, a Dream-Team if you will, which is made up of top notch like-minded people who share your vision, faith in the project and level of commitment to making it a huge success. The more harmony and camaraderie the better information and creative ideas can be generated to help move your project forward, and combat those inevitable “marketing fatigue” while keeping you motivated.
To become a magnet of success and total prosperity live by the motto: “when I help others win - I win.”
Author personal appearances, speaking engagements and other innovative forms of promotion such as running for an office (at least for a day...) and/or trying to break the Guineas book of records (well, at least in theory you can make the attempt...). Once again, you are limited only by your imagination.
In order to get a head start on your promotional campaign consider using a direct response that can help put your title on the best seller list at least on by doing a massive and highly targeted e-mail blast. This alone can open many doors for you and help you reach your destination so much faster and ... in style too.
Apply the old-fashioned yet proven method of making up for lack of financial resources the size of the “big guys” with OPM but not the traditional Other People’s Money, but rather Other People’s Minds, by networking, sharing up to date information, developing and nurturing partnerships while conducting massive research. Remember, knowledge is power that provides you the winning edge. It’s cost free and it creates additional opportunities for growth while instantly becoming a success and prosperity magnet.
Strive to provide the highest quality in product and service and always go the extra mile, remember, the seed of money is service.
In the final analysis, it’s the quality of the book that will ultimately dictate the longevity and the level of success of any marketing and promotional campaign. Geela’s highly praised book THE AMERICAN DREAM offers something very special that everybody wants...hope and direction. In fact, through her Principles For Successful Living, Geela is revolutionizing the conventional wisdom of achieving success, total prosperity and even global unity. And that’s something that will always be in demand and never go out of style. Geela’s fascinating personal story of triumph over adversity and winning against all odds best captures the true spirit of the American Dream which was based on perspiration, innovation, risk and reward. Of-course some might think her tremendous success story (which took her only twenty years to achieve) is only a result of luck or talent or ... whatever. But perhaps a better definition of luck needs to be when preparation meets opportunity. After all, if you know where you are going, chances are you will get there, and if not, then you’ll end up on the road to nowhere. Now that’s something to write about...

Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica Author

Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica AuthorBy Lisa MaligaMy story is that an author who’d done online writing for such dot gones as Themestream, Written By Me, and The Vines, someone trying hard to have fiction, poetry and nonfiction in print for real, recommended PublishAmerica. She claimed it was a traditional book publisher. I was struck with their slogan, “We treat writers the old fashioned way – we pay them.” Wasn’t that what publishers were supposed to do? But since my novel was just sitting on the DiskUs Publishing site and doing nothing but supplying me with enough money to buy a pair of skate laces every three months, I thought maybe it would have a better chance over at PublishAmerica where it would be available as a trade size paperback both on and off-line.So this author, Ellen Du Bois, had a big thing on her Geocities site about books being available in brick & mortar bookstores & they’d have ISBN numbers and be online and all that stuff. Also had her full size book cover up so I sat there for 5 minutes waiting for the damn thing to appear. Not impressive, but she liked it. Ellen was a cheerleader for her book and sent reviews from a weekly community rag and she bulk e-mailed several pieces of correspondence during those heady days when her book was in prerelease, then release stage in the summer of ’03. I broke down and bought a copy from Amazon – took almost 3 weeks to get. And I struggled to read all 176 pages. Tripe. Clichés abounded. Spelling/grammatical errors weren’t there at least. But the writing was thin. The story moved too quickly. The main character was the most realistic as it was most likely based on the author. The dialogue was okay. The descriptions were minimal. Had there been a real editor, the book could’ve been very good. I wrote to Ellen and told her the positive things about the story, avoiding the negativities. She’d been an online correspondent for almost two years, yet after I didn’t review her book on and Barnes & Noble she didn’t contact me. Almost a year later she sent me another e-mail – to promote a book of her poetry. I was just someone to sell a book to and she was only interested in the sale and hopefully a glowing write up.A Future PublishAmerica AuthorSince I’d already signed the contract with PublishAmerica, I wanted to cancel it after reading that trash. Now my book would be affiliated with a company that put out just about any piece of writing that came its way. I wasn’t expecting much what with my dealings with the extinct eNovel and RJ’s eBooks, along with a tiny eBook publisher named Crafts Across America where I wasn’t paid monthly as promised. And my novel and short story collection languished at DiskUs, home of the alleged Number One Best selling eBook author of all time, Leta Nolan Childers. PublishAmerica sent me an author’s questionnaire where they asked for basic biographical information; cover art suggestions, and a long list of people who might want to read my forthcoming novel. “Please prepare a list (names, and addresses,) of people who know you well enough to be interested in your success as a writer: personal friends, colleagues, relatives, etc., to receive a book announcement…Please limit your list and your labels to a maximum of 100 contacts. Also, please do not include businesses or organizations of any kind, including bookstores, media contacts, or government organizations. Include friends and associates only.”The editing process of my manuscript took two weeks over the Christmas holidays. I was able to ascertain that the first few pages had been read as some minor alterations had been made, but no changes followed for another 50 or so pages. One of the errors that occurred was clearly the result of a spellchecker on the part of PublishAmerica as a question mark appeared after the end of a statement. I’d read of real authors receiving instructions to change chapters, alter endings, delete numerous pages, in other words, really struggle to rewrite a book. Why so much effort? Names. Reputation. The publisher wanted to put their name on the best quality book that they had invested in. The author wanted a book that was saleable but also well written and something they were proud of. PublishAmerica’s editing comprised neither ideal as all they did was put the computer program’s spelling/grammar checker into action.My two free author’s copies arrived in early March and it was nice to see my trade paperback book in print sans a cheesy cover and stapled spine. ‘North of Sunset’ actually had decent looking stock cover art of a few silhouetted palm trees, a noticeable font, and a spine where the book title, publisher and author’s name was apparent. It would look good on bookstore shelves, I imagined.Reviews – What Reviews?What was Publish America doing to make sure my book was reviewed? Nothing. I decided to contact local daily and weekly newspapers by e-mailing a press release. The only responses I got were two e-mail autoresponders announcing the editors were on vacation. I spent $40 on copies of my book’s galley and mailed them to three national newspapers and the Library Journal magazine. Then I phoned a book reviewer at the ‘San Diego Union-Tribune’ and asked if he’d be interested in reviewing my book but before I could even describe what it was about, he asked who my publisher was. I told him. “We don’t review books by that publisher,” he stated.I called all the local bookstores and spoke to the managers and/ or community relations people about my book, including a couple of stores who were physically located on the street I’d written about. An independent bookstore owner told me that since PA didn’t have a return policy she was unable to stock my novel. Another said that I could sell my book on consignment. The chain stores of Borders and Barnes & Noble said my book would be available through Ingram if anyone chose to order it. Tried getting PublishAmerica to send review copies out and it took them weeks to do so. Had to call and make sure on two occasions that the books had been mailed. Maybe quoting one of their enthusiastic promoters on the message board, a guy with a natural genius for marketing and the budget to back it up, got three books sent to reviewers. Then I sent my book to Piers Anthony, noted sci-fi and fantasy author of more than 100 books. I’d been in touch with him since 2000 when I alerted him to the fact that eNovel was a rip-off. Although the action in his books usually took place in alternate time periods/universes, he didn’t mind reading a mainstream Hollywood novel. He did so. "North of Sunset by Lisa Maliga. She's the one listed in my Survey as I'm a Published Novelist Ha Ha! Ha!, a pertinent warning for starry-eyed aspiring writers. Her web site is worth checking similarly; she tells it as it is. If you took a few decades off my age and changed my gender, the result might resemble Lisa. North of Sunset is fun, about a Hollywood producer and his temporary secretary, showing a good deal of what I presume is reality. It is written with the omniscient viewpoint, which I dislike, but it held my interest regardless. " I’d discovered through an upset PA author on the messageboards, which I read on occasion, that someone was complaining about PublishAmerica. Discovering the Absolute Write Background Check area I spent several hours reading, at the time, more than 40 pages of complaints about PublishAmerica. Authors not receiving books in time for booksignings that they set up themselves. Bookstore owners/managers refusing to stock their shelves with unedited PublishAmerica titles. Writers unable to get their books reviewed. Doing a search on LexisNexis, the reputable online legal research system, for all PublishAmerica books receiving newspaper reviews, I saw that from July 2002 to June 2004, only 24 books had been reviewed nationally. Papers in Syracuse NY, Tulsa, OK, Fort Pierce, FL, Wilmington, NC and Lakeland, FL were represented. Only Salt Lake City’s ‘Deseret Morning News’, the ‘Tulsa World’, ‘Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’ and the suburban paper, the ‘Chicago Daily Herald’ were actually major newspapers. Evidently, the ‘New York Times’ or the ‘Los Angeles Times’ were not reviewing anything by PublishAmerica’s authors. According to the PublishAmerica site in the Facts and Figures section, “Fact #3: Again, unparalleled among all traditional book publishing companies, each day an average 15 times a PublishAmerica author appears in the news media, in newspapers, magazines, radio or TV.” Yet even mathematically challenged folks can determine that by using the LexisNexis search statistics, we learn that the average is a paltry once a month that a PublishAmerica book gets mentioned in a newspaper somewhere in the United States.Editing – What’s That?Here’s a gem of a post on the PublishAmerica message board: “When it came out in book form a month ago, my friends mentioned the editing problems in it, so a friend of mine with a masters in education went through it for me. It had close to a thousand editing errors in a 182-page book. So, have some who actually knows what literary content should be in a book, go through your book for you before you send the final draft back to PublishAmerica. Because the final draft, IS!, how the book will be when it comes out.”I discovered that through the misspellings, grammatical errors, and general bad writing that just about anyone was publishable through the ‘traditional’ publisher located in Frederick, Maryland. Such postings as: “I too am not the best editor LOL! I did get my finished books. And when I met with a lady that is huge in the marketing field, she told me that my book at it's length of 132 pages needs to have chapters.” A couple of PublishAmerica authors discussed editing. “I felt like you did when I found errors, but then I realized, hey people read it for the story, not looking for mistakes in typo land! LOL Now I just keep on a keepin on!”Sales FiguresQuestion: I’d really like to know how many copies I’ve sold.Answer: Buy all of the books yourself and then count them.No matter how naïve PublishAmerica authors appeared, they will eventually come to the realization that PublishAmerica isn’t really a traditional publisher, especially when those twice-yearly royalty checks arrived. Every few months or so PublishAmerica sent them an e-mail extolling their success, bragging about a big name author they’re negotiating with, or, more recently, doing a deal with the New York Times. On August 17th, an e-mail bearing the proud subject heading ‘Advertising Our Topsellers in the New York Times’ appeared in author’s online mailboxes.PublishAmerica was well named in that they want to publish anyone in North America who has churned out a manuscript, regardless of quality. They claim to have anywhere from 9,000 to 12,000 “happy” authors and they want more and more of them as that obviously means more money for the greedy owners, namely Willem Meiner and Larry Clopper.The PublishAmerica name and logo is seen as a joke to those in the media, bookstores and libraries. Books can’t be returned. All PublishAmerica titles lack the necessary CIP [Cataloging-in-Publication] data, which is necessary for libraries to order titles, and who wants to read unedited and overpriced tomes other than the author’s cronies? Oh yeah, and while PublishAmerica claims that they’re a ‘traditional publisher’ why on earth do they have in their main page keywords list the term ‘self publishing’ three times? And in their site’s description, they brag: “PublishAmerica, Inc., a traditional publisher, accepting and publishing manuscripts and books at NO CHARGE to the author. Royalties paid to writers, books sold in stores. Manuscript submissions by mail and online"In the beginning of September I received a royalty check. To my surprise, I was not only able to afford to buy a pair of laces for my skates, I shelled out the $12 it cost to sharpen my blades. Who knew that this company would provide extra income enabling me to continue participating in my recreational skating hobby? But it cost me more than the $160 in author-bought books, the $40 for galleys, which were probably plunged into a recycling bin, the $87 color business cards, $20 press release -- and the countless hours building and rebuilding my website so people would happen across it and buy a book that was only available online--like any other eBook.PublishAmerica allows the myth of being a ‘traditional’ publisher, a term not used before the advent of the Internet, to fester. The lie is perpetrated in those HTML source codes that search engine spider robots deliver; the future authors led to the promised realm of publishing, an internet web of woven myths fanning across cyberspace. PublishAmerica resembles most other ePublishing companies promising tales of bestselling books and authors. PublishAmerica is just another scam, just another future dot gone.